Chlorophyll: lets add more life

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Avoiding the effects of deforestation can be more valuable than the lumber forests provide — a lesson many countries have learned the hard way

When forests disappear, they take animal populations, crop yields and flood protection with them.

In early December 2004, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo “ordered the military and police to crack down on illegal logging, after flash floods and landslides, triggered by rampant deforestation, killed nearly 340 people,” according to news reports. Fifteen years earlier, in 1989, the government of Thailand announced a nationwide ban on tree cutting following severe flooding and the heavy loss of life in landslides. And in August 1998, following several weeks of record flooding in the Yangtze River basin and a staggering $30 billion worth of damage, the Chinese government banned all tree cutting in the upper reaches of the basin.

Each of these governments had belatedly learned a costly lesson, namely that services provided by forests, such as flood control, may be far more valuable to society than the lumber in those forests.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Earth’s forested area was estimated at 5 billion hectares. Since then, it has shrunk to just under 4 billion hectares, with the remaining forests rather evenly divided between tropical and subtropical forests in developing countries and temperate/boreal forests in industrial countries. Since 1990, the developing world has lost some 13 million hectares of forest a year. This loss of about 3 percent each decade is an area roughly the size of Greece. Meanwhile, the industrial world is actually gaining an estimated 5.6 million hectares of forestland each year, principally from abandoned cropland returning to forests on its own and from the spread of commercial forestry plantations. Thus, net forest loss worldwide exceeds 7 million hectares per year.

Unfortunately, even these official data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization do not reflect the gravity of the situation

Haiti, a country of 9.6 million people, was once largely covered with forests, but growing firewood demand and land clearing for farming have left forests standing on scarcely 4 percent of its land. First the trees go, then the soil. Once a tropical paradise, Haiti is a case study of a country caught in an ecological and economic downward spiral from which it has not been able to escape. It is a failed state, a country sustained by international life-support systems of food aid and economic assistance.

More and more countries are beginning to recognize the risks associated with deforestation. Among the countries that now have total or partial bans on logging in primary forests are China, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Unfortunately, all too often a ban in one country simply drives illegal logging or shifts the deforestation to other countries.

Bio diversity and climate change

By Arun Mathew

Biodiversity and Climate Change from CBD on Vimeo.

go straight down the road and turn RIGHT!!

Author: Gilda Mary George

Today. I got out. And took the right turn. Felt good. So, I decided to take a right turn everyday from today. The right turn to everything that mattered. The right turn today is to a greener planet.
Turn right to more life in a green living.

Climate Change Creating More Refugees than War

Author: Diana Paul

The number of refugees worldwide grew from 9.9 million in 2007 to 11.4 million in 2008, according to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which identified climate change as one of the leading causes of the global rise in refugees, along with conflict and escalating food prices.

Climate Change Displaces More People Than War According to the International Red Cross, climate change disasters are now a bigger cause of population displacement than war and persecution.

The global impact of the environment on human livelihoods is creating a new kind of casualty: environmental refugees. Rising sea levels, increasing desertification, weather-induced flooding, and more frequent natural disasters have become a major cause of population displacement in several parts of the world—a trend that is very likely to continue.

Scientists Predict 50 Million Environment Refugees by 2010
According to a report published by the United Nations University, there are now about 19.2 million people officially recognized as "persons of concern," people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters. This figure is predicted to grow to about 50 million by the end of the year 2010.

The UN points out that these forecasts are not inevitable. If the international community joins forces to create and carry out an effective strategy to curb global warming and manage Earth’s natural resources more efficiently, there still may be time to reverse population displacements and stem the rising tide of refugees.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Green Living Tips

Following are the Green Living Tips being published by Chlorophyll in Twitter 1) Repair leaked pipes. A dripping faucet can waste 20 gallons of water a day. 2) Always use both sides of a sheet of paper. 3) Lets avoid using our motorbike for travelling small distances. Lets walk. 4) Keep lids on pans when cooking to prevent your cooker having to work extra hard. 5) Purchase solar powered products. For regular tips, follow Chlorophyll on Twitter. Follow chlorophyllhues on Twitter

Aritificial Trees ??

Author: Shaban

When I say artificial trees, the first picture coming to your mind may be a plastic Christmas tree or a plastic plant placed at some corner of a hotel lobby. But this is hardly about a tree, but a device used to suck up the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, invented to resist the global warming. The device suck down CO2 a thousand times fasten than an organic, leafy green counterpart.Now scientists have taken idea a step further- they are proposing to build a forest of one lakh artificial trees in next 10-20 years.

The Future
This is obviously a brilliant idea developed to a brilliant product. A happy news for the techie world.

We can't blame if some fellow ask, "Why we should plant a tree and wait for another 30 years for it to grow ? "

I am quite stunned to give an answer. I shall put a few questions in return.

Does these artificial trees support the biodiversity; the birds nesting on them; the squirrels feeding on them; and even the menfolk who eats fruits for his breakfast so as to maintain his diet ??

Do they help in maintaining the underground water table?

Are these artificial forests a totally eco-friendly option ? Will these result in another heap of electronic and industrial junk ?

We shall think on. Lets not wait for the calamities to go for such extreme options.
Prefer a greener life. Reduce pollution and support green life.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Use Mobile. Save paper

By: Ginu

Cars of Future

Author: Shahid

The Auto Expo 2010, at Pragathi Maidan, new Delhi, ended up with a hopeful hint. The new generation of Green Cars. The governments all over the world were imposing strict pollution control rules, the latest of them being Euro IV (or Bharath IV, the Indian version of Euro IV. The only difference between them is the maximum speed limit in testing conditions. For your information, the low floor volvo buses released recently in the state comply to Euro IV). All of these rules put restrictions to the Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide emissions.

We do not have a zero emission car till date. It is at this juncture Hyundai i-10 Blue Drive is important. The car is not driven by an engine, but an electric motor of 49kW (66.6 PS). The power comes from a 16kWh lithium-ion battery pack which promises a range of 160km on a full charge and a top whack of 130km/h. These are pretty decent figures for an average daily life of an Indian.

Tail end: Well, Hyundai haven't given any hint of commercial release of the vehicle. But we still have hope as the Hyundai plant at Chennai is serving the rest of the world supplying i-10. More over TVS has already displayed its concept model of electric auto-rickshaws.

So lets look forward to greener roads and a greener future

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Biodiversity is life

Author : Shahid

Biodiversity includes all form of life on earth, from the very tiny microbes, insects to the enormous whales in our oceans. Just as how important we are on earth, they too are. Every being of the chain is important for each others existence. The disappearance of any one species of organism affects the whole planet. Many have been listed endangered. United Nations have declared 2010 as International year of Biodiversity. That means, the world have recognized that we cannot move forward with our co-beings, the plants and animals. So, lets learn, think and act. Chlorophyll working towards a diverse ecosystem. Visit the site for more information

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's new year and then comes the new resolutions

Author: Neelu

Why not do our own little things .

I plan to plant a tree/plant every month.

Join hands and do this one. Choose your favorite plant/tree , plant them and take care of them.

I think this is a real simple thing to do. The ones who don't have a piece of land to plant it, grow them in pots !

It can be anything, a flowering plant, herbs, fruit tree, veggie patch, or bamboos! Do that one step from this year.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pee in shower

Author: Arun Mathew

just came across an interesting brazilian campaign
pee in the shower ...............................................
save the earth
save water..........................................................
one toilet flush can waste up to 12 liters of drinking water.................
in one year its4380 liters................................................................

Hopeless Hagen

Author: Shahid

The UN International Climate Summit at Copenhagen ended up with a deal proposed by India, China, Brazil and USA.


The UN International Climate Summit at Copenhagen(COP 15) aimed in bringing up a treaty among the member countries of UN, to have legal agreement on cutting down the emission of greenhouse gases. This is in accordance with the fact that the existing treaty 'Kyoto” would expire on 2012.

The Days of Mischief

There lived a huge crowd. They lived on hope, the hope to have a calamity free world. They wore t-shirts with messages. They wrote on millions of postcards, which where addressed at the world leaders at COP 15. It was a plea.

(The movement of hope thus called HopenHagen. Visit )

The crowd was called climate activists. But believe they are humans like you and me.

The leaders arrived, they lived, they quarreled, they slept, they wandered....It was ice-cold time in Denmark then(Copenhagen is a city in Denmark).

The world was waiting for the leaders, specially those from the developed countries. Its the industrialization of those nations which added the major part to the current scenario of Global Warming. Still many of them are among the top names in emission of greenhouse gases.

It kept snowing. Nothing came to a decision till the last day.

It was on the last day the great speeches were made. Barak Obama, the US President; “Lets not speak, lets act”. The bloody ironical statement.

Our Hon. Prime Minister Dr. ManMohan Singh also did speak to save the politics for the Nation' s existence.( Its obvious that a cut down in the industrialization would affect the growth rate of developing nations like India where the difference between the rich and poor is very large.)

Finally the deal was made with no legal binding to the emission norms. The deal promised to collect a fund in billions of dollars, but seldom explained about the sources and methods to do so. Literally, a deal for the sake of political image. The deal for a dreary world.


When it was reconvened after the third adjournment, the chairman just took 30 seconds to say this conference is 'taking note' of Copenhagen accord, and brought down the gavel before any surprised delegates in the plenary hall could react.
Sunday Express, 20th December 2009

Lets have realization. Lets be vigil. Lets forget politics, for a safer, greener and hopeful world. Lets add more life to the planet.

Failure in Copenhagen is not an option
Remember the words of incoming COP 15 President Connie Hedegaard. “If the world fails to deliver a political agreement at the UN climate conference in December, it will be the whole global democratic system not being able to deliver results in one of the defining challenges of our century.