Chlorophyll: lets add more life

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hopeless Hagen

Author: Shahid

The UN International Climate Summit at Copenhagen ended up with a deal proposed by India, China, Brazil and USA.


The UN International Climate Summit at Copenhagen(COP 15) aimed in bringing up a treaty among the member countries of UN, to have legal agreement on cutting down the emission of greenhouse gases. This is in accordance with the fact that the existing treaty 'Kyoto” would expire on 2012.

The Days of Mischief

There lived a huge crowd. They lived on hope, the hope to have a calamity free world. They wore t-shirts with messages. They wrote on millions of postcards, which where addressed at the world leaders at COP 15. It was a plea.

(The movement of hope thus called HopenHagen. Visit )

The crowd was called climate activists. But believe they are humans like you and me.

The leaders arrived, they lived, they quarreled, they slept, they wandered....It was ice-cold time in Denmark then(Copenhagen is a city in Denmark).

The world was waiting for the leaders, specially those from the developed countries. Its the industrialization of those nations which added the major part to the current scenario of Global Warming. Still many of them are among the top names in emission of greenhouse gases.

It kept snowing. Nothing came to a decision till the last day.

It was on the last day the great speeches were made. Barak Obama, the US President; “Lets not speak, lets act”. The bloody ironical statement.

Our Hon. Prime Minister Dr. ManMohan Singh also did speak to save the politics for the Nation' s existence.( Its obvious that a cut down in the industrialization would affect the growth rate of developing nations like India where the difference between the rich and poor is very large.)

Finally the deal was made with no legal binding to the emission norms. The deal promised to collect a fund in billions of dollars, but seldom explained about the sources and methods to do so. Literally, a deal for the sake of political image. The deal for a dreary world.


When it was reconvened after the third adjournment, the chairman just took 30 seconds to say this conference is 'taking note' of Copenhagen accord, and brought down the gavel before any surprised delegates in the plenary hall could react.
Sunday Express, 20th December 2009

Lets have realization. Lets be vigil. Lets forget politics, for a safer, greener and hopeful world. Lets add more life to the planet.

Failure in Copenhagen is not an option
Remember the words of incoming COP 15 President Connie Hedegaard. “If the world fails to deliver a political agreement at the UN climate conference in December, it will be the whole global democratic system not being able to deliver results in one of the defining challenges of our century.

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